Fairuz Sheet music presents you songs of this artist written as arrangements for String quartet: Aatini el-Nay, Nassam Alayna el Hawa and Habytak Bisayf. All songs have midi recording so you can hear sound sample of arrangement.

Fairuz (Nouhad Wadie’ Haddad) also spelled Fairouz, Feyrouz or Fayrouz, is a Lebanese singer who is one of the most widely admired and deeply respected living singers in the Arab world. Her songs are constantly heard throughout the region. She was first noticed at the International Festival of Baalbeck, where she performed many of her songs. She became famous after appearing on the “Lebanese Nights” part of the festival for many successive years. Fairuz is commonly known as “Ambassador to the Stars”, “Neighbor to the Moon” (for her song about the moon of Machgara), and the “Jewel of Lebanon”.

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Aatini el-Nay (Fairuz) - Sheet Music
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Aatini el-Nay (Fairuz)

Habaytak Bisayf (Fairuz) - Sheet Music

Habaytak Bisayf (Fairuz)

Nassam ALayna el Hawa (Fairuz) - Sheet Music
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Nassam Alayna el Hawa (Fairuz)
