Dust in the wind (Kansas) - Sheet Music
Dust in the wind (Kansas) - Sheet MusicDust in the wind (Kansas) - Sheet Music

Dust in the wind (Kansas)


Dust in the wind Sheet music is an arrangement written for String quartet. You can choose to buy score, parts or both score and parts together.

“Dust in the Wind” is a song recorded by American progressive rock band Kansas and written by band member Kerry Livgren, first released on their 1977 album Point of Know Return.
The guitar line for the song was written by Kerry Livgren as a finger exercise for learning fingerpicking. His wife, Vicci, heard what he was doing, remarked that the melody was nice, and encouraged him to write lyrics for it. The actual inspiration was from a book of Native American poetry, which includes the line “for all we are is dust in the wind.”

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Score & Parts, Score, Parts

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