Por una cabeza Carlos Gardel Sheet music
Por una cabeza Carlos Gardel Sheet musicPor una cabeza Carlos Gardel Sheet musicPor una cabeza Carlos Gardel Sheet music

Por Una Cabeza (Carlos Gardel)


Por una cabeza Carlos Gardel Sheet music is an arrangement written for Flute (or Violin), Violin, Piano and Contrabass. You can choose to buy score, parts or both score and parts together.

“Por una Cabeza” is a tango song with music and lyrics written in 1935 by Carlos Gardel and Alfredo Le Pera respectively. The name is a Spanish horse-racing phrase meaning “by a head”, which refers to a horse winning a race by the length of one head. The lyrics speak of a compulsive horse-track gambler who compares his addiction for horses with his attraction to women.

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